Friday, June 14, 2013

Really? Another week is almost over? Really?

We have worked over 45 hours in the past five days. ( I know our son Gabe will not think that's a lot of hours.)  We think it is a lot when you add three to four hours of hiking after!

Yes, it is hard to get Gwen away from her fascination with rocks and searching for that perfect rock. We were hiking the East Mendenhall Glacier Trail last night, where we saw many amazing rocks in streams and along the path.  There were several of these huge boulders just teetering on their edges.  Gwen saw this little stick "propping" one up.  She wanted to see what would happen when she pulled it out....

When you add an environment with large mountains, large ice fields and large rivers and waterfalls, who knows what we might find!

It seems like I keep getting more and more topics to cover and more and more images to process...with less time to get them done.

Such is life in Alaska.

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